Monday, April 25, 2011

J. Crew Controversy

There has recently been much debate in the news about a J. Crew ad that was published featuring the company’s president, Jenna Lyons, painting her 5 year old son’s nails neon pink.  As soon as the ad was made public, the controversy began, and discussions have been showing up all over the news and internet since.  I have heard many mixed debates on this ad, some positive and many negative.  I found it extremely entertaining to read through some of the blogs and news articles of what people had to say, because it just showed how completely ignorant our society is when it comes to anything dealing with gender. 

One specific thing that stood out to me was in a Fox Newscast, in which they had quotes from Dr. Keith Ablow.  He quoted, “It may be fun and games now, Jenna, but at least put some money aside for psychotherapy for the kid…this is a dramatic example of the way that our culture is being encouraged to abandon all trappings of gender identity.”  After hearing this, I could not believe that anyone could be that ignorant to say something so terrible.  The fact that someone could honestly believe something as simple as painting a little boys nails would have that much influence on his life is completely ridiculous. 

I like that in this news segment they not only give the negative aspects, such as Dr. Ablow’s comments, but also provide positive feedback from others.  On gentleman states that as a child his sister painted his nails and he turned out just fine.  Another woman argues that just because a child’s nails are painted pink doesn’t mean they will turn out to be transgender.  One lady stated that if they ad had been a little girl playing in mud with trucks, no one would have complained.  I believe this would be true.  Although there may have been a select few who would have complained, for the most part everyone would have just blown it off and moved on.  This is because in our society it is more acceptable for women/girls to act and dress “boyish”, but it still remains completely unacceptable for men/boys to want to be more feminine. 

The whole debate over this ad makes me angry, but I can’t help but laugh at how idiotic it really is when you look deeper into it.  There are so many other problems in the world right now, and this is something that is nowhere near the most important one to be focusing on.  I think society needs to wake up and realize that times are changing and we no longer need to stick to the two-gendered system of the past.  It is a new day and age, and for those who are ignorant to gender issues, they need to wake up and embrace the change.  If you would like to view the news clip I am referring to, I have attached it below.

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