Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Heart Female Orgasm

Last week, I attended the I Heart Female Orgasm event on campus.  After a little convincing, I was able to drag a group of my friends along.  We really had no idea what to expect out of it, but figured it would be entertaining nonetheless.  We also expected to see a fairly small crowd of mainly female students.  We were surprised to show up and see a line almost out the door waiting to get in, and just as many male students as females.  As we made our way in, we quickly snagged seats near the back, for fear they would ask for audience participation.  As it began, I realized it wasn't as crazy as I had expected it to be, and it was actually very entertaining and educational. 

Overall, most of the information presented I had already learned previously at some point in my life.  However, there were many things I was surprised at.  For instance, the fact that when the females of the group were asked to describe their first orgasm, many listed a time from their young childhood years in which they had their first experience with orgasm.  I really liked that the presenters brought up the issue of the Pornography Industry.  I feel that so many people nowadays believe that everything about porn is how it is in real life.  Although I know this is not the case, it was nice to have them touch on that and point out how unrealistic it really is. 

Another thing that I really liked about this event was that the presenters did not only focus on a typical male-female relationship.  At many times throughout the event they made comments about lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals.  I thought it was awesome that they did not discriminate on anyone, and made a presentation that truly anyone could enjoy and feel comfortable at.  In my opinion, this event was well worth my time and very interesting.  Not only were there a lot of "fun facts" that you don't learn or hear about every day, but the presentation was also very educational.  I believe that a person's sexuality is extremely important, and a person should feel comfortable expressing and embracing it. 

This presentation helps to make people understand that everyone is not the same, and it’s ok to be different from others.  It spreads a great message about being comfortable with the person you are and being able to have fun and enjoy life.  I would definitely recommend it to others, and hope that in the future they will be able to return to our campus for future students.

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