Friday, April 29, 2011

Dangers of the Objectification of Women

In our society, it has become seemingly normal for women to be objectified in everyday life and especially in the media.  The idea that woman are merely objects, and judged on their appearances has become so “normal” that it seems to be the main focus of men and women all over.  Because of this portrayal in ads, movies, etc, women are not treated as individuals with unique personalities and traits, but rather as objects to be looked at.  The idea of objectifying women is completely degrading, and only adds to the gaps in treatment based on gender.  In fact, objectification has become so bad that men are willing to pay to see women dance nude, or perform sexual acts through prostitution for money all over the world. 

Women’s sexuality is used, especially in many commercial and magazine ads, in order to make men buy certain products.  The worst part of this is that it actually works, and people fall into the trap everyday.  The sad truth is also that it is not only men who participate in the objectification, and women are just as much at fault as men.  Women who are willing to pose for the ads, or be paid to have themselves degraded, further adds to the discrimination because they are only feeding the fire.  Women also fall victim to the ads of makeup and other beauty products which use women as objects to trick women into the “ideals” in which society says they should follow to be beautiful. 

Not only is objectification degrading women and giving a false image, but it also can cause much psychological damage to women who are not able to live up to the high standards set forth.  Women already have so much pressure on them to be perfect and live up to the same standards of men in order to be treated as equals.  Throwing in having to live up to the high standards of looking like a super model does not help the situation, or a woman’s confidence.  Because of this, women feel afraid to show their true identities in relationships or when meeting new people.  Objectification makes women less independent, and lowers the standards and goals that women set for themselves. 

In order to change this, we need to have more media attention to the so called average women who are truly the majority, not the stick thin bombshell which is truly unrealistic.  The media is the most powerful tool in this case, and because it is the main reason objectification has become so out of control, I feel it is the main thing that needs to change in order to progress in the treatment of women.  Men need to stop treating women as objects and respect them, but women also need to stop falling into the traps.

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